About Us

We are....
Behind the scenes with the Ausar's. The Ausar's are the curators and founders of Itz Appropriate Candles. We are a family owned business that has been establish since 1999. It began as little hobby or just having something interesting to do along with our infamous smells of exotic oils, incenses and skin care products. We actually began having more interests in building a business when we saw one of the richest community in our home town dwindle by the hands of politics. It was the actual pre-face of gentrification. My husband desired to be a difference by helping the community grow instead of vanishing. So he started our the imprint of our business with advocating in the neighborhoods. We became the advocates of our community by the way of visiting with door to door the citizens of the community informing the importance of voting, helping single fathers and mothers with transitioning from prison to work life.
As husband, wife and parents we thrive to win in all we do. We just never gave up even when we truly felt like it. In the end we realize we were lighting up the homes and many of our neighbors when we arrive to any occasion.
As stated earlier we are extremely proud business owners, parents, legacy holders and very confident in who we are. This didn't always reflect in what we found in the community. The community just seemed to be losing its collective efforts to the greed of politics. We as a power couple needed to find ways to help our community become confident.
As you see, we have a love for people and establishing values of family, and self-love within their homes.
As a Godly union we allowed our love for God to continue to guide our desires in living life to fullest with our craftsmanship, leadership, our entrepreneurship and desire to create to win our community back some way.
We are going to be one of the well-known, best aroma therapy specialist who will light up our community with each every candle personally crafted and keep skincare that glows in our everyday conversation.
Lets begin to understand
Why the craft of our natural hand poured candles and all natural conversation skincare drives the essence of healing, excitement, happiness, being harmonious, and exhilarating to each every home and heart. Being apart of finding the best care for our family was very essential especially on the daily basis. We had to figure out ways to care for our children as we saw a change in the foods and skincare from which we grew up on. It appeared to be more harmful chemicals that was infused in our daily consumption, as parents we were destined to fix what would work best for us. We knew we were our best doctors. We are so happy to say as of today we have served with much needed results for our family and many other families since 1999. Who would of ever knew being voting advocates, and learning new healthy lifestyles will bring us to this platform.
Itz Appropriate Candles and Skincare
We are Aha and Kimya Ausar and we look forward in you supporting our business but truly admire your willingness to enjoying the EXPERIENCE. An experience that goes beyond just being appropriate! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, you can always reach out to us @ (404)655-7518 or via email @ sales@itzappropriatecandles.com. We look forward to serving you in the near future.